Pretty much every aspect of a person says a lot about them. Everything about us is so detailed that we’re being judged and scored by everyone around us. Sometimes they do it consciously; sometimes they do it without realizing. Even the smallest of details can tell a lot – a novel could probably be written about the way a person walks and talks as there’s so many different psychological hints and meanings behind it!
A big part of how we portray ourselves is the outfits we wear. Even when we’re not trying to, we’re letting people know about what kind of person we are. It’s a strange thing, but the judgment comes whether we like it or not. Someone with a ‘relaxed’ attitude to fashion will often be judged in a more negative light than someone who fixes up and actively tries to look stunning. It’s not always the case as nothing is set in stone, but typically that’s how things pan out.
As we delve further into the outfits, we can zero in on a person’s footwear and get an awful lot of information out of it. If you’re not into shoes, then you’d probably wonder how this can happen, but those in the know are fully aware of the story that can be told. Yes, your shows can give off lots of signals and say an awful lot about you. Here are the type of things that they’ll say:
What Your Overall Personality Is
Yes, those small things you put on your feet can tell the world about what you’re like as a person. It’s crazy, huh? It’s not too deep, actually. Everyone has different preferences. Each person’s choice is based on things we’ve seen before, heard before, and felt before. If you like a particular piece of footwear, then it’s based on your past experiences and thoughts about stuff. Certain looks always suit certain personalities.
How Well You Look After Yourself
If you’re not too bothered about the clothes you wear, and specifically, the stuff you put on your feet, then you’re going to display to the general public that you’re not too bothered about things. Whereas if you put in some effort to look good and prepare your footwear, then it’s going to give off an overall impression of someone that takes good care of most things in their life.
How Confident You Are
If you’ve got some flashy wheel on your person, then you’re probably going to be someone that doesn’t mind lots of eyes and attention. Instead of some quiet and plain sneakers, you’re going to be rocking some loud air Jordan 5 shoes in an attempt to steal the show. If you’re quite a low-key person, you might also try to take the attention away from them by choosing something that puts the focus on somewhere else.
How Wealthy You Are
If you’ve got a lot of money, the chances are that you’re going to spend it, right? Unless you’re amazingly frugal, you’re probably going to be buying lots of nice things. People aren’t stupid; if you have beautiful or stylish shoes on, then they’re going to recognize that they cost a lot. Displaying wealth through clothes is something people have done for hundreds of years.
Do you think what you have on your feet says a lot about you? Let me know what you think in the comments below!